Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blogmas Day 9: Gotta walk before you run?


     It shouldn't come as a surprise that I'm not a runner. I'm barely a walker as it is. Lord knows a recurring theme on my blog is how hard it is for me motivate myself to work out.  It is not because  I don't understand the benefits or don't enjoy the way I feel after, it's just because....well because I can be darn dumb sometimes lol.

     I remember several years ago watching the biggest loser and they had given all the contestants a fitbug or something. The device was probably among the first of the fitness trackers and I remember thinking ," Oooh I need that so I can get skinny!". I figured I'd look it up and get it if it wasn't too expensive. I almost ordered it until my friend smartly pointed out that it was not the device making them skinny, it was their diet and workouts. So there, my dreams were shattered lol instead of thinking I needed to do those things I just moved on and continued my bad habits.

     Fast forward to the present, I have read and seen all sorts of trackers since starting my journey. There are some geared more towards athletes, some aimed at weight loss and some just trying to be fashionable pedometer. I toyed with the idea of getting one, but the words of my friend kept coming back. Having the tracker wouldn't walk or workout for me, it would just keep track of what I did or did not do.

     My BFF has been extremely supportive in my journey and offered to get me one for Christmas. I hated for her to spend that much money for something I might not even use much ( hello! Workout hater here). But one day, walking around Costco we saw that the Jawbone Up was being clearanced out due to a new model coming out soon. It made it half the price and so she was relentless about getting it for me. 

     She gave it to me on Nov 24th and I've been wearing it since. I have to tell you guys, I never expected it to be this motivating. I am on a competition with myself not only to keep my streak going but also to slowly increase my step goal. I have found myself parking far away and walking to all the stores, I will walk around the street and the house as much as I can, I am doing Leslie Sansone on the days I am home without much activity to hit the goal. Heck, on Sunday we went and bought a net for the basketball hoop in the driveway and we played! I had not touched a basketball in probably at least 20 years!

 I am averaging between 4-5 miles a day. I feel so good about it, today, on impulse I ran up the driveway ( maybe 50 yards) I didn't die, I made it all the way up and I could even talk after! Last time I ran was four months ago, I tried the couch to 5k app and I couldn't jog for the 30 secs it asks you to during the first day intervals. I quit right after failing the first interval. How sad was that? I will have to try it again soon. The best part of all, aside from feeling good, is that the scale is starting to move again, I had been a bit stagnant after hitting 28pounds lost but now I'm past 30 yay! So yay Jawbone for giving me the push I needed to get moving! This week is looking good! How is your week going?



  1. congrats! That's awesome! I just do 30-45 minutes of dance, about 6 days a week. Just not motivated to push beyond that, because minor injury/pain usually follows. But GREAT job, girlfriend!

    1. I have injured my ankle twice so I am always scared of hurting it again. Of course, it makes a great excuse with a tinge of truth for an exercise slacker like me Thanks for reading!

  2. Dang ... I may just have to get that fitbit out that I was talked in to buying with my rewards card ... Hmm may just motivate me to actually get up and move? Glad to hear it is motivating you! AND Congratulations on breaking 30!!!! you kinda just snuck that in there ...

    1. hehe Thanks Feet! It is motivating but not in a stressful way but in a I am going to kick ass kind of way lol!

  3. Happy for you that you past the 30 lb mark!


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