Friday, November 7, 2014

Insert witty title ;)

I hit a complete blank when naming this post. There are already  4 posts on my reading list with the words mishmash in it. I did not want to be the 5th! I will spare you the long post and will focus on just a few updates.
1- I am hive free since Monday! It is great. Hives were driving me crazy even with them only lasting a few minutes. I have not had any kale, spinach or Swiss chard all week. It could just be the roids in my system... We shall see. As much as I would hate for greens to be it ( and I'd have to eat my words) my mom reminded me how we use to have reaction to spinach consumption years ago which made her quit buying it when I was growing up. I guess it's possible the sensitivity was still there, and the big quantities I was eating could have thrown me out of whack. Jury Is still out on this one but I'm happy not to itch! lets keep our fingers crossed that I don't develop an allergy to celery and radishes lol
2- As I metioned Here, On Wednesday I had a 3 pound gain. It sucked, but considering the fact that I was just starting that time of the month and had had the steroids it was to be expected. Thank yall for trying to cheer me up about it. I decided to not obsess over it and see what would happen this morning. Which brings me to my next point...
3-Today is weigh in day for the Scale Accountability Club. Make sure to jump over to Gwen's over at The Sunny Coconut to see how everyone did. I was just shocked this morning after my shower when I found that not only had I lost my 3 pound gain from Wednesday but lost an extra pound. My total loss for the week since last Friday being 1 pound. I know a lot if it has to do with water retention and that who knows what the scale will do next week but I'll take it and be happy with it.
That is all I have for today, have a great weekend. Until next time!


  1. I'm so glad you aren't dealing with hives anymore. Congrats on the loss!

    1. Thanks Connie! It's great not having them I was going nuts,!!

  2. FANTASTIC NEWS all the way around!

    Sounds like spinach might be the culprit. When you are ready to add greens back in (after the steroid shot wears off), go with kale first. Try it for 4 days before adding anything new in. If all goes well, you are good with it. Then try something new, for 4 days, wait to see if there is a reaction. Slowly but surely re-introduce. But if you had a childhood reaction to spinach, likely that's it now. My reaction to tomatoes changes periodically over the years. Eczema on my forehead only for a decade, then gone for a few years, then eczema on the middle of my back only for a few years, then gone...waiting for the next spot for it/or something to pop up. At 6 weeks my gums bleed from penicillin; never tried again since. Floxin gives me cardiac symptoms. Erthrymycin gives me hives. Cat dander and eucallyptus/menthol give me 'throat' asthma. So many different ways the body can respond. (p.s. I also got what I called 'invisible hives' the week before my first wedding. Felt like hives, but no actual rash. It was nerves.)

    1. Thanks for the advice Gwen! I'm going to give it some time before I try them again

  3. Wow ... You did great! 4 lbs. Awesome! But being Hives Free is even better!

    1. Thanks Feet! I just count one since three were my gain but yes!


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