Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blogmas Day 2: December Goals

For Blogmas Day 2, I decided to share some of the things that I  have been thinking about and want to accomplish for the month ( and beyond):

1- Committing to daily weigh ins.
After my initial shock and reactions to weight fluctuations I can finally look past it and focus on its benefits instead. Seeing that number daily makes me more aware of my choices and move motivated to do better.

2- Continue reducing my intake of carbs and wipe out all sugar.
I know, I know. A few of you may be shaking your heads and thinking I keep saying this. Truth is I am a chicken and cannot quit cold turkey ( maybe I am just not willing to?). I have reduced it by at least half since starting my journey./ I can see the benefits, Added Sugar is not so much a problem but flour, grains and legumes is a different story.I know where I want to get with this, I will just have to find my way there slowly with some trial and error.

3- Get Moving.
Exercise is always my struggle. I have to move move move in order for the scale to continue going. Cutting food alone is not going to get me to where I want to be. We all have to find ways to motivate ourselves and I have found my new Jawbone to be a big motivator in less than a week. I am reaching my daily steps goal and working on increasing it progressively. So I am getting a move on and striving to be more and more active.

4- Writing  daily.
 I have found that writing and sharing my thoughts is extremely healing. It can clear my head of bad thoughts, inspire me to do better or just give me some quiet peaceful time. Sometimes, with my family far away Christmas becomes a bit emotional. I have always bottle emotions up, I am working on letting them out so I don't have to soothe them with food like I have always done.

5- Finding Closure.
I have vaguely mentioned before how there are some things up in the air for me that can truly shape or dictate how 2015  will start for me. This decision, which is not under my control, has dragged out longer than any of us expected it to. Providing me with endless anxiety and stress filled days. My only victory over this is that I did not allow it to trigger a binge so far. But stress and anxiety? whew, through the rough at times!  As December wraps up, I hope to have find some closure in that regard. No matter what the resolution, I want to find closure, move on and prepare for whatever is next for me.

Hopefully by the time the month ends, I will look back on this post and have been successful at most if not all of my goals! What are you working on this month???


  1. I weigh every day too ... last year my hubby's doctor asked him why he doesn't weigh daily and then asked him if he checks the gauges on the car every day doesn't he? That really hit for me ... and I have weighed every day since. It took awhile before I didn't let it really influence my mood ... now its just a gauge to tell me how I'm doing. If it climbs I look back at what I've eaten over the last 3 days ... and make adjustments. I enjoy your posts and am glad you are committed to doing them daily .

    1. Thanks for reading Feet! I love that analogy!


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